2、低检测1μL样品(10 pg/μL DNA或12.5μg/mL蛋白)
3、多储存1,000 个样品结果,可通过U盘导出或直接与电脑连接
5、个性化设置常规使用的应用,添加新的应用,甚至通过 MyQubit自定义创建新应用
仪器尺寸 5.4 in (w) x 10 in (l) x 2.2 in (h)
(13.6 cm x 25 cm x 5.5 cm)
重量 743 g
动态范围 5个数量级
处理时间 ≤5秒/每个样品
光源 蓝光 LED (大 ~470 nm)
红光 LED (大~635 nm)
激发通道 蓝光430–495 nm
红光600–645 nm
发射通道 绿光510–580 nm
红光665–720 nm
检测器 光电二极管:测量范围300-1,000 nm
预热时间 <35 秒
U盘 4 GB
Thermofisher ABI Qubit4荧光计基本信息
Thermofisher ABI Qubit4荧光计
The Qubit 4 Flurometer is the latest version of the popular Qubit fluorometer designed to accuray measure DNA, RNA, and protein quantity, and now also RNA integrity and quality, using the highly sensitive Qubit assays. The Qubit 4 Fluorometer was re-engineered to run the Qubit RNA IQ (integrity & quality) assay. The Qubit 4 Fluorometer and RNA IQ Assay Kit work together to accuray distinguish intact from degraded RNA in just two easy steps.
For all Qubit assays, the concentration or quality of the target molecule in the sample is reported by a fluorescent dye that emits a signal only when bound to the target, which minimizes the effects of contaminants on the result. The easy-to-use touch-screen menus make it easy to select and run the assays you need, with results displayed in just a few seconds.
限制的免责声明:本仪器仅限科研使用。 非IVD医疗用途。我司销售皆为科研仪器,所售一切商品为非医疗器械。